Reflections from some of our Confirmation Candidates
Before our Confirmation we were given a booklet to complete to help us understand more about the Holy Spirit and Confirmation. I thought a lot about God. I thought about Him more and more as My Confirmation Day got nearer and nearer. I even said a short prayer before I put on my suit. As Bishop Pargeter was placing the oil onto my forehead I knew that The Holy Spirit was coming into my heart. My Confirmation was very special and nothing could make me feel happier than the moment that Bishop Pargeter placed the oil on my forehead.
St Catherine of Alexandria is my chosen Confirmation Saint. Throughout
her life she worked hard to praise God and spread Christianity. I think being a martyr has made her even more significant because your life is a huge thing to give up even for The Faith. Her life has many similarities and also many differences to mine. She is a wonderful example and I shall try to take my lead from her and praise God in everyway.
St. John was one of the twelve apostles. He was especially loved by Jesus. St. John was the only apostle who stood by Jesus on the day of his crucifixion when the others ran away in fear. I think he was a good and brave man which is why I chose his name as my Confirmation Name.
I have chosen St. Catherine of Siena as my Confirmation Saint because
she was a peacemaker and I would like there to be peace all over the
world. I admire her for becoming a Dominican Sister even though her
parents were against her vocation because they wanted her to be married. Thank you to everyone who has helped me to prepare for my very special Confirmation Day.